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  • RON

Terms & Conditions

The displayed prices do not include VAT
The products on the website are sold only to legal entities

The terms and conditions below refer to purchases, orders made in the online store. In order to have all the information related to the conditions of order and delivery of a product from, please read carefully the following.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact us at one of the following phone numbers: 021.350.20.36 or 0726.231.448.
The present terms and conditions contain the rules of a valid order, the basic contractual conditions of any contract entered into between the Seller and the Buyer. At the same time, these terms and conditions govern the responsibility of the company that manages the online store, related to the operation of the web page. These terms and conditions are valid exclusively, and any other clauses become null, except in the case where the modification was announced in advance or in the case it was made in writing.
The company that manages the virtual store, in certain cases, has the right to modify the terms and conditions, so we recommend that before each purchase, you read the Terms and conditions displayed on the website. These changes are valid from the date of their appearance on the Internet and cannot be applied to previously concluded contracts. For each order placed on the website, the terms and conditions in force at the time of placing the order are valid. In case of a valid order, you accept without exception all the terms and conditions read here.
In the case of using the web page, you accept that you will respect the Terms and conditions listed here, as well as the rules of use. By completing and sending the order that appears on metal shelves from A to, the Buyer simultaneously orders the products that appear in the online store, and is responsible for the correctness of the data provided by him. The e-mail address or telephone number indicated incorrectly entails the non-fulfillment of the order, given the fact that the Seller cannot contact the Buyer.
How do I order?

1. Online order:

Any product uploaded to the online store can be ordered using the cart icon on the product data sheet. By pressing the cart icon, the product in question arrives in the virtual shopping basket.
The products in the virtual shopping basket can be viewed at any time, if you click on the basket icon on the web page.
Here you have the possibility to delete any unwanted products, respectively here you can define the quantity of products of which you want to buy more pieces. After setting the quantity, with the help of the "Modify" button you will be able to update the status of the shopping cart. If you have made the necessary settings and all the products have entered the basket, by pressing the "Next Step" button you will arrive at the house.
After placing the order in the virtual store, we will contact you through the contact options indicated in the contact form
The Buyer acknowledges that, after placing the order on the portal, and after confirmation by phone or email by an employee of the Seller, a sale-purchase contract, respectively a verbally concluded delivery contract for the ordered product, takes place. To the extent that, at the moment, the respective product is not in stock, we will indicate by phone a date when we expect the arrival of the product in question. Please confirm the acceptance of this date through a reply sent by e-mail, and if the respective date is not convenient for you, please let us know this as well, and you will have the opportunity to cancel the ordered product.

2. Telephone order

By calling 021.350.20.36 or 0726.231.448 a sales agent will take your order.

3. Order by email

In the "Contact" section you can send your order using the "contact form" or directly to the email address This email address is protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to see it.."> Specify the codes and names of the products you want, fill in your data and then click on the "Send" button.
Payment methods
Cash: Cash payment is made only in RON at the BNR rate + 1% from the day of payment. Payment is made in full when picking up the products from our headquarters.
Payment order: the products can be paid by payment order before picking them up from our office or before their delivery by courier. After making the payment, please send the confirmation by fax or email to complete the order. For products that are delivered on the basis of external orders, an advance of 50% of the total value is requested, an advance that will be paid in cash or with a payment order based on the pro forma invoice issued by the Seller. The seller will consider the order launched when the payment is registered in the account or according to the proforma invoice issued.
Online payment with a bank card: products are paid for using a card issued under the Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard or Maestro logo processed by NETOPIA Payments.
The price of the products:
All prices displayed on the website are in EURO and do not include VAT. The online coemrt platform converts to LEI using the BNR exchange rate on the day of payment. The offers and products presented on the website are available within the stock limit. The prices of the products presented on can be changed without prior communication.
The products can be picked up from our headquarters in Bd. Biruintei no. 49, Pantelimon - Ilfov or they can be delivered by courier throughout Romania. The delivery is made through the courier company PALLEX or DragonStar Courier, the delivery time being 1-2 working days. The transport price is calculated according to the weight and volume of the package as well as the distance covered. The costs related to the transport are the responsibility of the Buyer and will be paid at the time of placing the order if he opts for transport provided by the seller.
Product warranty:
The products purchased through the website benefit from a 12-month warranty from invoicing for manufacturing defects.
The information and technical details presented on our website are purely informative. In order to provide you with updated information, we will periodically make changes to the content of the site, the changes referring to information about products, descriptions, pictures, prices, etc.
Privacy policy: undertakes not to transmit the personal data of the website users to third parties and to use them only for the purpose of establishing contact with its customers, as well as for the purpose of informing them about the aspects related to the operation of the website and its offers. The company will retain personal data and will use it for the purpose of informing users about the status of the account on, regarding the evolution, suspension of orders, as well as in evaluating the products and services offered.
For Consumer information click here: National Authority for Consumer Protection.

Product returns and refunds
Individual customers can request the return of products already ordered and delivered within a maximum of 14 calendar days from their receipt. For this, please let us know your name, address and order number, thus ensuring a smooth return procedure. The return request is made in writing, by e-mail or fax, stating the reason for the return and the method of return.
The return of products is accepted by TOPK UTILAJE ALIMENTARE S.R.L. only if the following conditions are met:

1. The products are sealed in the original packaging, being in the same condition as they were at the time of their delivery to you; this check is carried out in the warehouses of TOPK UTILAJE ALIMENTARE S.R.L. at the time of receiving the return. The packaging must not be scratched, torn or deformed;
2. When delivering the products, the warranty certificate (in original) is also sent;
3. All costs for transporting the returned products to TOPK UTILAJE ALIMENTARE S.R.L. warehouses. are borne exclusively by you. If the buyer does not pay for this transport at the time of return, TOPK UTILAJE ALIMENTARE S.R.L. reserves the right to withhold transport costs from the value of the products to be returned.
In case of accepting a product return, TOPK UTILAJE ALIMENTARE S.R.L. will issue a "reversal" invoice, in accordance with the legal provisions in force, at the time of receipt of the products in the warehouses of TOPK UTILAJE ALIMENTARE S.R.L.
Within a maximum of 30 calendar days from receipt of the products in TOPK UTILAJE ALIMENTARE S.R.L. warehouses. from Afumati, Ilfov, Bucuresti-Urziceni Highway no. 14A, TOPK UTILAJE ALIMENTARE S.R.L. will return the value of the products to the buyer according to the conditions of this document.
The refund of the amounts from the return service will be made under the following conditions:
1. For amounts paid in cash in the store, the refund will also be made in cash, if the return takes place on the same day as the date of purchase;
2. For amounts paid by payment order or by bank card, the refund will be made by bank transfer, to the bank account from which the payment was made or to the bank account indicated by the customer in the return request;
Products that are brought only after a special order cannot be returned.
The products must be returned in good condition and without the original packaging having been damaged or opened in any way. At the moment of opening the packaging, it is considered that you have accepted the product as suitable for your needs and it can no longer be returned unless it is established by a representative of our company that the product has manufacturing defects.
To create a return request, please write us an email at
According to the legislation in force, respectively O.G. 34/2014, the cancellation of the purchase is applicable only to natural person customers and only in the case of products delivered by courier.
PFAs and legal entities do not benefit from the right of return within 14 days. The ANPC does not intervene in a contract between a legal entity and a store, there it is considered as any other contract concluded between two companies and the issues are resolved in court on commercial law cases.